Whether you are visiting or this is your home church, we are glad that you are here.
We pray that you will find Calvary Chapel Kuna to be a warm and welcoming place where the Word of God is taught in its entirety and in simplicity. Join us as we taste and see what the Lord is doing in and through this small town fellowship.
Pastor Greg​
Moms Fellowship
If you are a mother with children in the home, we have a monthly gathering that you are invited to be part of. We meet on the second Monday of every month at the Pachman's home in Kuna for a time of food and fellowship. For more information please contact Mel @
February Potluck
Our Sunday February 2nd potluck will have a Mexican food theme. Please bring your favorite dish and join us after second service.
State of the Church
On February 2nd we will be holding our annual state of the church during the potluck. This time is set aside to share what the Lord has done throughout 2024 while sharing our vision for 2025 and what we anticipate the Lord to do.
End of the year tax statement
Tax statements have been sent out on January 19th by email for those who provided their email address. Paper statements were sent in the mail on Tuesday January 21st.
If you have prayers that you would like to be sent to the prayer chain or if you would like to be added onto the list of people who receive prayer requests from others so that you can intercede on their behalf, please contact Pastor Greg or email
​Tithes and Offerings:
We have a tithe and offerings box by the back table of the sanctuary. You can also tithe online through by navigating to the “GIVE” tab.