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Send Hope Now:


In 1989, Send Hope Now began bringing HOPE to s one of the world's poorest people - slums dwellers in Bangalore, India. It all started when Guna, their first native pastor, got connected with a church in the Treasure Valley and began receiving support to care for people in need. Since then, Send Hope Now has expanded its reach to focus on four main programs. 


Homes of Hope provide care and safe spaces for orphaned, sick, and vulnerable children. We believe that every child should have a roof over their head, three nutritious meals a day, a good quality education, and a support system of loving, caring mentors. We show them the love of Jesus and teach them Christian discipleship. We also provide support for the HIV/AIDS-impacted children in our homes who require specialized care, medication, and health monitoring.



Outreach to communities is the heart of what we do in India and we couldn’t do it without a committed team of pastors and evangelists. All of the work we are able to accomplish throughout India is conducted directly through their hands, whether it is planting churches, sharing the Gospel, teaching educational courses, catering to those in need, leading humanitarian projects, or running our Homes of Hope.



Our various provision programs cater to those who have been deemed unclean, untouchable, and undesirable in Indian society—the widows, lepers, HIV/AIDS-impacted, and the poor. We believe in following the example of Jesus in caring for “the least of these” by providing much-needed physical provisions (food, water, supplies, etc.) to improve their livelihoods, as well as sharing the good news of the gospel message.



Send Hope Now has a desire to raise up generations of educated youths and young adults who follow Jesus and would not otherwise have the opportunity to learn. We do everything in our power to support our children and others in the local communities through college, trade school, and job skill training. By setting them up for success early on through education, we give them hope for a future outside the grasp of poverty.


Calvary Chapel Kuna supports four pastors through Send Hope. Three are located in region of Varanasi and one is located in the Andhra Pradesh.


To learn more about this ministry visit the following link


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Stanton Healthcare​


Stanton Healthcare advocates for life, individual responsibility, and sexual integrity. They strive to equip clients with the resources necessary to promote healthy relationships in pursuit of strengthened individuals, families, and communities. The mission of Stanton Healthcare is to offer life-affirming solutions and resources to women experiencing an unexpected pregnancy; provide hope to those struggling from the pain of a past abortion; and share the message of sexual integrity in a confidential and professional environment that promotes physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness. They believe that all life is created with intrinsic value. They are motivated to uphold the dignity of women and the lives of their children. Stanton Healthcare provides holistic services to clients experiencing an unexpected pregnancy, and ongoing relational care to women and men as they navigate pregnancy and parenthood. They do all this while promoting sexual integrity and giving assistance to those struggling emotionally or physically from previous abortion or pregnancy loss.


About this ministry:


Jesus said, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded youMatthew 28:19-20 


Our desire to partner with like minded ministries and missionaries in accomplishing this great commission within the

Treasure Valley and beyond. We accomplish this through financial support, helping fill practical needs, and being an available resource to other gospel centered ministries. 

Below are the supported ministries of Calvary Chapel Kuna

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