We are glad you have decided to seek more information about Calvary Chapel Kuna’s school of ministry.
Our vision in developing a school of ministry is to provide a platform in which we can grow in Christ together by raising up the next generation of church leadership and volunteers. We are committed to helping believers grow in their relationship with Jesus, and become equipped to serve Him through the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.
"Growing in Christ Together"
Our first 9-month School Of Ministry starts in the fall of 2024
Program Outline:
Semester 1
Book of the Bible:
Chuck C-3000 (1 Timothy & Titus)
Spiritual Leadership by J. Oswald Sanders
The Autobiography of George Muller by George Muller
Meeting Dates:
October 1,8,15,22,29
November 5,12,19,26
December 3
Estimated cost:
$20.00 (new off Amazon)
Spiritual Leadership:
This book presents key principles from scripture about what makes a good leader - in ministry or any other realm. Those who want to lead with God’s blessing will be enriched through a study of this topic.
Autobiography of George Muller:
Muller is best known for the orphanages he built and operated in England, during the 19th century. George shares his diary of one man’s journey from sin and rebellion to a lifetime of service.
Semester 2
Book of the Bible:
Chuck C-3000 (2 Timothy & James)
On Being a Servant of God by Warren Wiersbe
Humility by Andrew Murray
Meeting Dates:
December 31
January 7,14,21,28
February 4,11,18,25
March 4
Estimated cost:
$25.00 (new off Amazon)
On Being A Servant Of God:
Serving others and serving God is not an easy task. This book invites you to listen to thirty short “armchair chats”. Weirsbe shares what he learned while ministering to others on his own Christian journey.
When Jesus "made himself nothing ... taking the nature of a servant," He modeled for all believers true humility. Murray calls this "our true nobility" and "the distinguishing feature of discipleship.” Within this book we will be encouraged to resist pride and learn to apply humility to our lives.
Semester 3
Book of the Bible:
Chuck C-3000 (1 Peter & 1 John)
Why Grace changes everything by Chuck Smith
Unveiling Grace by Lynn Wilder
Meeting Dates:
April 1,8,15,22,29
May 6,13,20,27
June 3
Estimated cost:
$30.00 (new off Amazon)
Why grace changes everything:
This study will explore the mystery of grace and reveal a surprising truth - that we can never grow in grace by our own efforts. It must flow from the Father through the love of Jesus Christ. Experiencing His love and grace can carry you through any trial life throws at you, and that makes all the difference.
Unveiling Grace:
The Wilder family lived, loved, and promoted the Mormon church, until the author’s son came to know God personally through Christ. This book recounts her story of receiving God's life changing grace.
Student Expectations:
Ministry Involvement -
Each participant is expected to volunteer in an area of ministry where you can apply the lessons that you are learning in order to become a more effective disciple of Christ. Each student must serve at least 4 hours per month (average 1 hour per week).
Reading Assignments –
Each session, participants will be assigned a book that focuses on Christian living, spiritual leadership, church history or biography themes. Additionally, we will look into God’s Word together and discuss the assigned text.
Weekly meetings -
This group will meet in conjunction with the small group schedule. We will meet once a week for 10 weeks with a 3 week break between sessions in conjunction with our fall, winter and spring bible study sessions. Each meeting will be on Tuesdays from 6:30-8:30pm at Calvary Chapel Kuna. Participant is expected to arrive on time and be ready to participate.
Spiritual -
Each participant is expected to complete daily devotions and time in prayer.
Are you ready to take a step of faith?
I would like to register and participate in this school of ministry! Register through the link below.
I have more questions and I would like to set up a meeting to talk to a pastor about this opportunity.